Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Year of Festivals

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Discover music, camel races, feats of endurance, manic street parties and monumental food fights From the sublime (Venice's Carnevale or India's Krishna Janmastami) to the absurd (Finland's Wife-Carrying Championships or Australia's Beer Can Regatta) - the best of the famous and little-known alike are represented here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Billy's book for blokes

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Billy Brownless is a good bloke. He likes a beer and a bet. Loves his footy, the Darl and his kids. But Billy is worried that blokes are becoming extinct, that before long they'll be like the Tasmanian Tiger - just a rare sighting reported every now and again. So here is Billy's guide to blokedom: from the essential rules every mate must stick to, to the ins-and-outs of backyard cricket, and how to have a perfect day out at the tip, it's everything the modern bloke needs to know. There's even Billy's unique take on what not to wear. And he couldn't resist sharing some stories of his own, from the days when he was a Geelong football legend